Magnolia buds not opening – common reasons

Magnolia buds not opening – common reasons

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Your magnolia buds may not be opening for one or more of several reasons. The most common are that you didn’t have any buds in the first place, that the environment isn’t suitable for your tree, or that your tree hasn’t received the care and attention it needs. Incorrect pruning at the wrong time of year as well as harsh winter frost can also cause buds to drop or cause them to rot and not open.

No buds, or just a few, in the first place

Magnolia that has not produced any buds as is to young

Did you check your tree in the early to mid-spring to ensure that the buds were developing? If no buds appeared, your tree may be new or young and hasn’t had the chance to mature fully enough to produce enough energy to produce the buds in the first place.

The same reason may hold if you only have a few buds. The magnolia has enough energy to create these few buds but no more for further development. You need to be patient for a few years, and look after your tree well, until it grows strong enough to handle flowers. Read my How to grow a magnolia tree? article for advice about the best conditions in which to grow the tree and how to maintain it successfully.

And think about how you pruned your tree in the past year. Magnolias are susceptible to shock if you overprune them and they need time to recover. Maybe you cut off too many branches at once, or cut the tree too far back to the stem or trunk.

Incorrect pruning at the wrong time of year

Pruning too early in spring before they have flowered can also be the issue as you may have removed the growth where the buds developed. If you think this might be the cause of your lack of buds, you just have to treat the tree well and wait until it recovers.

And if you moved your magnolia tree or shrub in the previous year, or even this spring, it definitely is in shock. It’s pulled back in on itself to sit and generate energy for its own repair. Again, it’s a waiting game until the next year for the magnolia’s recovery.

Magnolia not producing beds as they were damaged by frost

Buds are blackened

If your buds are blackened and look generally unhealthy, that’s a sign of frost damage. Magnolias are susceptible to heavy frost that damages the buds beyond repair. If this happens to you, you need to protect the tree in the next winter to ensure that it stays warm enough to bloom in the spring. Burlap and garden fleece are good insulators. With large specimens, it’s simply a case of some years you might not get many flowers if you get bad weather that damaged the buds, it does happen now and again and is unavoidable.

Buds are just sitting there

If your buds are not opening but are there, first of all, check the blooming period of your magnolia tree. While most varieties bloom between March and May, some are late starters. If your tree is one of these, you may just be too early to see the blooms appear. Wait for a while, checking frequently.

Check the leaves of your plant, if they’ve opened already. Pests attacking the leaves cause ill-health in the rest of the tree and may affect the buds’ development. My article, Pests that attack magnolia leaves?, is well worth a read to help you investigate your magnolia leaves.

And, lastly, check the environment, your care and maintenance, and for infestations. Details about how to do this and what to look for are in my article, Why is my magnolia not flowering?

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