When do magnolias bloom?

When do magnolias bloom?

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Magnolias bloom from spring onwards

Magnolias, in general, bloom with their lush colours and sweet scents from early spring to late summer. Different varieties of magnolia have different blooming times within this period. But the large showy flowers always make a splash regardless of whether they’re from trees or shrubs.

Magnolia flowers usually open in spring along with the leaves. The leaves are usually large and oval shaped while the shape of the magnolia flowers varies with the variety. They can be bowl, star or goblet shaped. The flowers can bloom for a long time and they may bloom a second time a few months later.

Most magnolia trees and shrubs produce either white or pink flowers in many shades. Think velvety magenta ranging down through soft rose to the palest of blush pinks and ending with white.

Magnolia susan that flowers early spring so can be damaged by hard frost so best planted in a sheltered position
Magnolia Susan flowers in early spring so can be damaged by hard frost so best planted in a sheltered position

If pink isn’t in your garden landscape plan, look for cultivars in dark purple, maroon red, cream or yellow for a decided change of visual pace.

It’s best to choose a variety of magnolia that blooms when the last frost in your area has passed. Magnolias really don’t like heavy frosts or cold temperatures so you want the weather to warm up before they spring into action.

Magnolia yellow river a later flowering variety that won't be harmed by late frosts
Magnolia yellow river a later flowering variety that won’t be harmed by late frosts

Best magnolia blooming conditions

To ensure the best magnolia blooms on your shrub or tree, make sure it’s in the best location and you’re looking after it properly. In particular, magnolias like:

  • A location with full or partial sun that’s sheltered and hidden from strong winds.
  • Slightly acidic, moist soil that’s well drained.
  • Rich organic soil, usually done through organic compost.
  • Regular watering (preferably rainwater) when they’re in their immature, young stage.
  • If planted in a pot, regular watering and feeding in the growing season.
  • Pruning as needed to remove dead or diseased branches or to improve air flow between the limbs.

For more details about the proper care for these trees, go to, How to grow a magnolia tree? as well as growing magnolias in pots here

And if your blooms just haven’t appeared, read, Why is my magnolia not flowering?

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