Lacecap hydrangea care

Lacecap hydrangea care

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Growing lacecap hydrangeas is very simple so long as you follow some basic rules. The lacecap hydrangeas are also referred to as bigleaf hydrangeas because, as the name implies, they have rather large leaves but they also have attractive flower clusters that are blue and pink with edged flowers around the center.

With proper care, your lacecap hydrangea can grow up to 6 feet tall and wide. It will bloom typically between July and August depending on where you live. Lacecap hydrangeas are a wonderful addition to any landscape and are great for shrub borders, specimen plants, foundation plants, or seaside planting.

Growing lacecap hydrangeas is very simple so long as you follow some basic rules. The lacecap hydrangeas are also referred to as bigleaf hydrangeas because, as the name implies, they have rather large leaves but they also have attractive flower clusters that are blue and pink with edged flowers around the center.


When you are growing lacecap hydrangeas, start by picking an area that has well-drained soil. The area in question should receive early morning sunlight and afternoon shade but it should also avoid exposure to high winds on a regular basis. If your hydrangea is exposed to too much sun, too much heat or too much wind the leaves will start to wilt.


You should irrigate the plant weekly, daily if its very warm, especially if grown on pots. Every week your hydrangeas should receive approximately 1 inch of water if it doesn’t receive that from the natural rainfall in your area. In order to help keep the roots cool, hydrated, add some mulch around your shrub. With a lacecap hydrangea the roots need to absorb more moisture the larger they get so that they can sustain the plant. This is something to bear in mind as your lacecap hydrangea matures.


You can add fertilizer or food to help encourage a healthy plant but do so in March, May, and July. You can use a general fertilizer formula that is 12 – 4 – 8, 10-10-10, or 16 – 4 – 8. Make sure to use one pound of fertilizer for every 100 square feet.

In spring you can start to add hydrangea feed to your hydrangeas to give it the nutrients it needs for new growth. Sprinkle growmore on top of the soil and add some compost. Water everything immediately so that it has time to soak down to all of the roots.

Flower Color

You can alter the color of the flowers that are produced on your lacecap hydrangea by changing the soil pH levels. If you prefer blue blooms you can use the 10-10-10 fertilizer mixture. Blue flowers will grow if you have a lower pH in your soil typically between 5.0 and 5.5. If you want pink flowers you can use the other fertilizers because pink flowers are produced with higher PH soil composition typically between 6.5 and 7.0.

You can alter the color of the flowers that are produced on your lacecap hydrangea by changing the soil pH levels. If you prefer blue blooms you can use the 10-10-10 fertilizer mixture. Blue flowers will grow if you have a lower pH in your soil typically between 5.0 and 5.5. If you want pink flowers you can use the other fertilizers because pink flowers are produced with higher PH soil composition typically between 6.5 and 7.0.

Pruning and Deadheading

Only hydrangeas that produce flowers in spring will need to be pruned in the spring. These are the flowers that produce new growth and new buds come summertime. With these, you should prune them as soon as the flowers are no longer blooming. Cut away any old flowering stems or overgrown stems so that energy can be diverted to the new growth. When you do this, be sure to use your sharpest set of pruning shears and sanitize them in a mixture of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water in between each cut.

If you decide to prune your lacecap hydrangeas, you should do it at the end of summer after the flowers have faded. You can cut back approximately one-third of the old stems all the way to the ground and get rid of any deadwood. Properly pruning at the appropriate time of year will encourage more blooms and will help the plant to maintain the shape that you want which is especially important if you are using the plant as a hedge.

Image by aljono from Pixabay

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