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Tag: growing hydrangeas

Endless Summer Hydrangea – Care and growing tips

Endless Summer Hydrangea – Care and growing tips

Image by MADSkills from Pixabay If you are looking for a hydrangea that will give you an unlimited amount of blooms for a much longer cycle than a simple hydrangea, you want to grow the hydrangea Endless Summer variety. Growing endless summer hydrangeas Hydrangea Endless Summer is unique because it can produce blooms on new and old growth alike. This is what allows it to rebloom all summer long rather than just bloom the once. Winter care In order to…

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How much sun do hydrangeas need

How much sun do hydrangeas need

Most hydrangeas only need morning sunlight. There is one exception to this rule in that is the hydrangea paniculata. The panicle hydrangea or hydrangea paniculata can soak up Sun all day long. Of course, they do well in shaded regions just the same as any other hydrangeas so if you happen to have a garden that gets morning sunlight but afternoon shade, you can quite literally pick any variety of hydrangea. The reason for this timing is at the morning…

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What plants go well with hydrangeas

What plants go well with hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are an incredibly popular plant because they are easy to grow and very tolerant of both sun and shade. The big flowers and stunning foliage they bring to any garden is enough to make you swoon. Of course, you can increase the overall enchantment that you are hydrangeas bring by finding the perfect companion plants. Hydrangea companion plants Good hydrangea companion plants should be things that are similar but at the same time slightly different. Similarity should exist in…

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