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Category: Citrus

Why is my orange tree losing its leaves?

Why is my orange tree losing its leaves?

Your orange tree losing its leaves could be a natural occurrence or could be the sign that there’s a problem (or two) with the tree. Read on to see if any of these issues relate to your orange tree’s environment and care, as they could be the cause behind the leaf loss. The most common reason is draughts, the temperature is too cold or too warm as well as overwatering and even underwatering. That being said there are more reasons…

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Why is my orange tree dropping fruit?

Why is my orange tree dropping fruit?

Your orange tree dropping fruit when it’s unripe may be for several reasons. It’s up to you to decide if the reasons are natural (e.g. self-thinning), environmental (e.g. plant stress) or how you’re caring for the plant (e.g. watering), which is one of the more common reasons. Read on to decide which problems your citrus tree has and how to fix them. Natural occurrences that leads to oranges shedding fruit early Self-thinning Most cultivars of orange trees produce too many…

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Why is my orange tree dying? 5 reasons and solutions

Why is my orange tree dying? 5 reasons and solutions

Don’t jump to the conclusion that your orange tree is dying if things start to go wrong with it. Problems with the fruit, leaves, branches or stem could be the orange tree’s way of dealing with stressors in its environment or even be part of its natural life cycle. It’s pulling back on its energy use to focus on the problem. Here’s how to determine what the problem is (if any) and more importantly, how to fix it. If you…

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Why are my orange tree leaves turning yellow?

Why are my orange tree leaves turning yellow?

Your orange tree leaves turning yellow may be due to natural (including pests and diseases), environmental or care causes. Some of the most common causes can be that the roots are too wet or even too dry leading to yellowing leaves. Other causes include cold draughs as well as low temperatures as well as not getting enough feed. I discuss all of these below as well as what to do about each problem. As the leaves age, they naturally start…

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How and when to prune an orange tree for a better harvest – step-by-step guide

How and when to prune an orange tree for a better harvest – step-by-step guide

Pruning your orange tree serves several purposes – removing dead branches; increasing air circulation; sculpting the tree’s shape; and improving next year’s harvest. Here’s how to prune your orange tree successfully, step by step. Five reasons to prune your orange tree Remove dead or diseased branches Pests or diseases on your tree may cause the leaves and branches to become diseased and even die. (See Orange tree pests and diseases for details.) Carefully remove the affected parts of the tree…

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Why is my orange tree is not producing fruit? – 5 Reasons to consider

Why is my orange tree is not producing fruit? – 5 Reasons to consider

You need to be a detective to figure out why your orange tree is not bearing fruit, as there are quite a few different reasons. It could be nature or lack of it for oranges grown under cover of there not pollinating, or how you’re looking after the tree, lack of water or not enough sun just to name a few. Here are the main reasons for a lack of oranges on your tree and, more importantly, how to encourage…

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Why are my orange tree leaves turning black? – Black sooty mould

Why are my orange tree leaves turning black? – Black sooty mould

It’s most probable that the reason your orange tree leaves are turning black is because of black sooty mould. This is a fungal disease that starts out small and spreads quite rapidly. The good news is that in itself this disease doesn’t do too much harm to your plant. The bad news is that it is a sign of a much bigger problem – bugs. Read on to find out what to do about black sooty mould and the underlying…

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What is the best way to pollinate orange trees? hand pollination methods

What is the best way to pollinate orange trees? hand pollination methods

Orange trees are self-pollinators and don’t need another orange tree around to produce fruit, thats the good news. However, even though they’re self-pollinators, it doesn’t hurt to help the process of pollinating orange trees along. The issue comes with orange trees grown in greenhouses and inside homes were nature can’t take care of the process. Why orange trees may need help pollinating For orange trees to self-pollinate, the pollen from one flower on the tree must reach another flower; it…

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Why are my orange tree leaves curling?

Why are my orange tree leaves curling?

One of the most common problems I see when growing citrus trees, including orange trees, is that the leaves start to curl and sometimes even drop. There are a few common reasons, most of which are treatable. In my guide, I going to discuss some of them, including lack of water, too much sun, insect damage from aphids and even Fungal diseases. Water stress Are your orange tree leaves yellow and somewhat crispy as well as curling? If so, the…

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Why are my orange tree leaves sticky?

Why are my orange tree leaves sticky?

The most probable reason that your orange tree leaves are sticky is that you have an infestation of sap-sucking insects. These insects – and there are quite a few different types – leave behind honeydew, that’s the sticky substance. Here’s how to identify which insect is your problem and what to do about it. Honeydew Sap-sucking insects suck the sap out of your orange tree leaves and stems for their food. In doing so, they excrete and leave behind blobs…

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